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Database Integration

Cloud Database

Class: CloudKitManager

Manages the CloudKit container and databases, providing methods to interact with CloudKit.

Acts as the main entry point to CloudKit for any of the classes that will interact with records. This class provides the base methods for CRUD operations.


  • static let shared = CloudKitManager(): The shared singleton instance of CloudKitManager.
  • let container: CKContainer: The CloudKit container.
  • let publicDatabase: CKDatabase: The public CloudKit database.
  • let privateDatabase: CKDatabase: The private CloudKit database.
  • @Published var isSignedInToiCloud: Bool: Indicates whether the user is signed in to iCloud.
  • @Published var error: String: Any error occurred during CloudKit operations.
  • @Published var text: String: Additional text data.


  • init(): Initializes the CloudKitManager singleton instance.
  • private func getiCloudStatus(): Retrieves the iCloud account status and updates the isSignedInToiCloud property accordingly.
  • func saveItem(record: CKRecord): Saves a record to the public database.
  • func savePrivateItem(record: CKRecord, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Saves a record to the private database with a completion handler.
  • private func p_saveRecord(record: CKRecord, usePrivateDatabase: Bool): Private method to save a record to the specified database.
  • private func p_fetchRecord(recordType: String, usePrivateDatabase: Bool, fieldName: String?, fieldValue: Any?, completion: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void): Private method to fetch records from the specified database.
  • func fetchPublicRecord(recordType: String, fieldName: String, fieldValue: Any?, completion: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches public records from the CloudKit database based on a specified field name and value.
  • func fetchPublicRecord(recordType: String, completion: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches public records from the CloudKit database of a specified record type.
  • func fetchPrivateRecord<T>(recordType: String, fieldName: String, fieldValue: T, completion: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches private records from the CloudKit database based on a specified field name and value.
  • func fetchPrivateRecord(recordType: String, completion: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches private records from the CloudKit database of a specified record type.
  • func fetchPrivateRecord(recordID: CKRecord.ID, completion: @escaping (CKRecord?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches a single private record from the CloudKit database by its ID.


Enum: CloudKitError

Enumerates CloudKit errors.

  • case iCloudAccountNotFound: iCloud account not found error.
  • case iCloudAccountNotDetermined: iCloud account not determined error.
  • case iCloudAccountRestricted: iCloud account restricted error.
  • case iCloudAccountUnknown: Unknown iCloud account error.

Class: BackgroundItemDBManager

Manages the background items stored in the CloudKit database and provides methods to interact with them.


  • static let shared: BackgroundItemDBManager: The shared singleton instance of BackgroundItemDBManager.
  • @Published var backgroundItems: [BackgroundItemModel]: The array of background items.
  • let CKManager: CloudKitManager: The CloudKit manager instance.
  • var backgroundItemExists: Bool: Indicates if background items exist in the database.
  • @Published var activeBackground: String: The name of the currently active background item.


  • init(): Initializes the BackgroundItemDBManager instance.
  • func fetchBackgroundItems(completion: @escaping ([BackgroundItemModel]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches background items from the CloudKit database.
  • func fetchSpecifcBackgroundItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (BackgroundItemModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches a specific background item by its image name.
  • func createBackgroundItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Creates a new background item in the database.
  • func setActiveBackgroundItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (String, Error?) -> Void): Sets a background item as active.
  • func setUnactiveAllBackgroundItems(completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Sets all background items as inactive.
  • func g_getActiveBackground() -> String: Returns activeBackground.


Enum: BackgroundItemRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for storing background item data in CloudKit.

  • case type = "BackgroundItem": Represents the record type for background items in CloudKit.
  • case isActive: Represents the key for the 'isActive' property in CloudKit records.
  • case imageName: Represents the key for the 'imageName' property in CloudKit records.


Struct: BackgroundItemModel

Represents a background item with its properties.

  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID of the background item.
  • var isActive: Int64: Indicates whether the background item is active or not.
  • var imageName: String: The name of the image associated with the background item.

Extension: BackgroundItemModel

Provides an extension to BackgroundItemModel for generating a CKRecord representation.

  • var record: CKRecord: Generates and returns a CKRecord representation of the background item.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: ClothingItemDBManager

Manages the clothing items stored in the CloudKit database and provides methods to interact with them.


  • static let shared: ClothingItemDBManager: The shared singleton instance of ClothingItemDBManager.
  • @Published var clothingItems: [ClothingItemModel]: The array of clothing items.
  • let CKManager: CloudKitManager: The CloudKit manager instance.
  • var clothingItemExists: Bool: Indicates if clothing items exist in the database.
  • @Published var activeClothing: String: The name of the currently active clothing item.


  • init(): Initializes the ClothingItemDBManager instance.
  • func fetchClothingItems(completion: @escaping ([ClothingItemModel]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches clothing items from the CloudKit database. Upon completion, sets the clothingItems property.
  • func fetchSpecificClothingItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (ClothingItemModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches a specific clothing item by its image name.
  • func createClothingItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Creates a new clothing item in the database.
  • func setActiveClothingItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (String, Error?) -> Void): Sets a clothing item as active. Upon completion, sets the activeClothing property.
  • func setUnactiveAllClothingItems(completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Sets all clothing items as inactive.
  • func g_getActiveClothing() -> String: Returns activeClothing.
  • func getActiveClothing(completion: @escaping (String, Error?) -> Void): Fetches the active clothing item from the database.


Enum: ClothingItemRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for storing clothing item data in CloudKit.

  • case type = "ClothingItem": Represents the record type for clothing items in CloudKit.
  • case isActive: Represents the key for the 'isActive' property in CloudKit records.
  • case imageName: Represents the key for the 'imageName' property in CloudKit records.


Struct: ClothingItemModel

Represents a clothing item with its properties.

  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID of the clothing item.
  • var isActive: Int64: Indicates whether the clothing item is active or not.
  • var imageName: String: The name of the image associated with the clothing item.

Extension: ClothingItemModel

Provides an extension to ClothingItemModel for generating a CKRecord representation.

  • var record: CKRecord: Generates and returns a CKRecord representation of the clothing item.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: FitnessPlanDBManager

Manages fitness plans stored in the CloudKit database and provides methods to interact with them.


  • @Published var fitnessPlan: FitnessPlanModel?: The fitness plan model.
  • let CKManager: CloudKitManager: The CloudKit manager instance.
  • var fitnessPlanExists: Bool: Indicates whether a fitness plan exists in the database.


  • init(): Initializes the FitnessPlanDBManager instance.
  • func createFitnessPlan(daysPerWeekGoal: Int64, dumbbellWeightGoal: Int64, setGoal: Int64, repGoal: Int64, notes: String, selectedDate: Date): Creates or updates a fitness plan in the database.
  • func fetchFitnessPlan(completion: @escaping (FitnessPlanModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches the fitness plan from the CloudKit database.


Enum: FitnessPlanRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for storing fitness plan data in CloudKit.

  • case type = "FitnessPlan": Represents the record type for fitness plans in CloudKit.
  • case daysPerWeekGoal: Represents the key for the 'daysPerWeekGoal' property in CloudKit records.
  • case dumbbellWeightGoal: Represents the key for the 'dumbbellWeightGoal' property in CloudKit records.
  • case setGoal: Represents the key for the 'setGoal' property in CloudKit records.
  • case repGoal: Represents the key for the 'repGoal' property in CloudKit records.
  • case notes: Represents the key for the 'notes' property in CloudKit records.
  • case selectedDate: Represents the key for the 'selectedDate' property in CloudKit records.


Struct: FitnessPlanModel

Represents a fitness plan with its properties.

  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID of the fitness plan.
  • var daysPerWeekGoal: Int64: The goal for the number of days per week.
  • var dumbbellWeightGoal: Int64: The goal for the dumbbell weight.
  • var setGoal: Int64: The goal for the number of sets.
  • var repGoal: Int64: The goal for the number of reps.
  • var notes: String: Any additional notes for the fitness plan.
  • var selectedDate: Date: The selected date for the fitness plan.

Extension: FitnessPlanModel

Provides an extension to FitnessPlanModel for generating a CKRecord representation.

  • var record: CKRecord: Generates and returns a CKRecord representation of the fitness plan.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: FoodItemDBManager

Manages food items and their interactions with the CloudKit database.


  • static let shared = FoodItemDBManager(): The shared singleton instance of FoodItemDBManager.
  • @Published var foodItems: [FoodItemModel]: An array of food items.
  • let CKManager = CloudKitManager(): The CloudKit manager.
  • var foodItemExists: Bool: Indicates whether food items exist.


  • init(): Initializes the FoodItemDBManager singleton instance.
  • func fetchFoodItems(completion: @escaping ([FoodItemModel]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches all food items from the CloudKit database.
  • func createInitialFoodItems(): Creates initial food items if none exist.
  • func createFoodItem(name: String, quantity: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Creates a new food item with the given name and quantity.
  • func fetchSpecificFoodItem(name: String, completion: @escaping (FoodItemModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches a specific food item by its name.
  • func fetchQuantity(name: String, completion: @escaping (Int64?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches the quantity of a specific food item by its name.
  • func updateQuantity_add(name: String, quantity: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the quantity of a food item by adding the specified quantity.
  • func updateQuantity(name: String, newQuantity: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the quantity of a food item with the specified quantity.
  • func updateQuantity(foodItem: FoodItemModel, newQuantity: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the quantity of a food item.
  • func getFoodItems() -> [FoodItemModel]: Returns foodItems.


Enum: FoodItemRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for food item records in CloudKit.

  • case type = "FoodItem": Record type key.
  • case name: Name key.
  • case quantity: Quantity key.
  • case imageName: Image name key.

Struct: FoodItemModel

Represents a food item.


  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID.
  • var name: String: The name of the food item.
  • var quantity: Int64: The quantity of the food item.
  • var imageName: String: The name of the image associated with the food item.


Provides an extension to FoodItemModel for generating a CKRecord representation.

  • var record: CKRecord: Generates and returns a CKRecord representation of the food item.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: PetItemDBManager

Manages pet items and their interactions with the CloudKit database.


  • static let shared = PetItemDBManager(): The shared singleton instance of PetItemDBManager.
  • @Published var petItems: [PetItemModel]: An array of pet items.
  • let CKManager = CloudKitManager(): The CloudKit manager.
  • var petItemExists: Bool: Indicates whether pet items exist.
  • @Published var activePet: String: The name of the active pet.


  • init(): Initializes the PetItemDBManager singleton instance.
  • func g_getActivePet() -> String: Returns activePet.
  • func fetchPetItems(completion: @escaping ([PetItemModel]?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches all pet items from the CloudKit database.
  • func fetchSpecificPetItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (PetItemModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches a specific pet item by its image name.
  • func createPetItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Creates a new pet item with the given image name.
  • func createDefaultPet(): Creates a default pet if none exist.
  • func setActivePetItem(imageName: String, completion: @escaping (String, Error?) -> Void): Sets the active pet item by its image name.
  • func getActivePet(completion: @escaping (String, Error?) -> Void): Retrieves the active pet.

Struct: PetItemModel

Represents a pet item.


  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID.
  • var isActive: Int64: Indicates whether the pet item is active.
  • var petName: String: The name of the pet.
  • var imageName: String: The name of the image associated with the pet.


  • var record: CKRecord: Converts the PetItemModel to a CKRecord object.


Enum: PetItemRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for pet item records in CloudKit.

  • case type = "PetItem": Record type key.
  • case isActive: Active state key.
  • case petName: Pet name key.
  • case imageName: Image name key.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: PetDBManager

Manages pet data and interactions with the CloudKit database.


  • static let shared = PetDBManager(): The shared singleton instance of PetDBManager.
  • @Published var pet: PetModel?: The pet model.
  • let CKManager = CloudKitManager(): The CloudKit manager.
  • var petExists: Bool: Indicates whether a pet exists.
  • @Published var totalXP: Int64: The total experience points (XP) of the pet.
  • @Published var level: Int64: The level of the pet.
  • @Published var health: Int64: The health of the pet.


  • init(): Initializes the PetDBManager singleton instance and fetches the pet from the database.
  • func createPet(): Creates a new pet in the database.
  • func fetchPet(completion: @escaping (PetModel?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches the pet from the database.
  • func getHealth() -> Int: Returns health.
  • func getXP(completion: @escaping (Int64?, Error?) -> Void): Retrieves the total XP of the pet.
  • func getXP() -> Int: Returns totalXP.
  • func getLevel() -> Int: Returns level.
  • func getLevel(completion: @escaping (Int64?, Error?) -> Void): Retrieves the level of the pet.
  • func getPet() -> PetModel?: Returns pet.
  • func updateUserXP(newXP: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the user's XP.
  • func updateUserLevel(newLevel: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the user's level.
  • func updatePetHealth(newHealth: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the pet's health.

Struct: PetModel

Represents a pet.


  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID.
  • var health: Int64: The health of the pet.
  • var level: Int64: The level of the pet.
  • var petImage: CKAsset?: The image of the pet.
  • var totalXP: Int64: The total XP of the pet.


  • var record: CKRecord: Converts the PetModel to a CKRecord object.


Enum: PetRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for pet records in CloudKit.

  • case type = "Pet": Record type key.
  • case health: Health key.
  • case level: Level key.
  • case petImage: Pet image key.
  • case totalXP: Total XP key.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Class: UserDBManager

Manages user data and interactions with the CloudKit database.


  • @Published var user: User?: The user model.
  • @Published var userRecord: CKRecord.Reference?: The user record reference.
  • var userExists: Bool: Indicates whether a user exists.
  • let CKManager = CloudKitManager(): The CloudKit manager.


  • init(): Initializes the UserDBManager and fetches the current user record ID and user data.
  • func fetchCurrentUserRecordID(completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Fetches the record ID of the current user.
  • func createUser(firstName: String?, lastName: String?, email: String?): Creates a new user with the given information.
  • func fetchUser(completion: @escaping (User?, Error?) -> Void): Fetches the user data from the database.
  • func getCurrency(completion: @escaping (Int64?, Error?) -> Void): Retrieves the currency value of the user.
  • func updateCurrency(newCurrency: Int64, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the currency value of the user.
  • func getName(completion: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void): Retrieves the full name of the user.
  • func updateName(newFirstName: String?, newLastName: String?, completion: @escaping (Error?) -> Void): Updates the first name and/or last name of the user.

Struct: User

Represents a user.


  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?: The record ID.
  • var firstName: String: The first name of the user.
  • var lastName: String: The last name of the user.
  • var latestLogin: Date: The latest login date of the user.
  • var currency: Int64: The currency of the user.
  • var email: String: The email of the user.


  • var record: CKRecord: Converts the User to a CKRecord object.


Enum: UserRecordKeys

Enumerates the keys used for user records in CloudKit.

  • case type = "User": Record type key.
  • case firstName: First name key.
  • case lastName: Last name key.
  • case latestLogin: Latest login key.
  • case currency: Currency key.
  • case email: Email key.


This class conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

Local CoreData Database

Class: CoreDataManager


Manages persistent data storage using Core Data for the SmartWeights application.



  • init(container: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, storeDescriptions: [NSPersistentStoreDescription]?): Initializes the CoreDataManager with the specified persistent container and optional store configurations.

Instance Properties

  • var persistentContainer: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: The shared persistent container from the PersistenceController, configured for CloudKit integration.

Instance Methods

  • func createExerciseSet(workoutSession: WorkoutSession, setNum: Int, avgCurlAcceleration: Double, avgElbowFlareLR: Double, avgElbowFlareUD: Double, avgElbowSwing: Double, avgWristStabilityLR: Double, avgWristStabilityUD: Double) -> ExerciseSet?: Creates and persists a new ExerciseSet entity associated with a given WorkoutSession.
  • func createWorkoutSession(dateTime: Date, workoutNum: Int, reps: Int, weight: Double, overallCurlAcceleration: Double, overallElbowFlareLR: Double, overallElbowFlareUD: Double, overallElbowSwing: Double, overallWristStabilityLR: Double, overallWristStabilityUD: Double) -> WorkoutSession?: Creates and saves a new WorkoutSession entity with specified parameters.
  • func fetchAllExerciseSets() -> [ExerciseSet]: Fetches all ExerciseSet entities from the persistent store.
  • func fetchExerciseSets(for: WorkoutSession) -> [ExerciseSet]: Fetches ExerciseSet entities associated with a specific WorkoutSession.
  • func fetchExerciseSets(for: Int64) -> [[String : Any]]: Fetches ExerciseSet entities based on a specific workout number.
  • func fetchWorkoutSessions() -> [WorkoutSession]: Fetches all WorkoutSession entities from the persistent store.
  • func fetchWorkoutSessions(on: Date) -> [[String : Any]]: Fetches WorkoutSession entities on a specific date from the persistent store.
  • func getNextWorkoutNumber() -> Int: Retrieves the next sequential workout number to be used for a new WorkoutSession, defaulting to 1 if no sessions exist.
  • func updateExerciseSet(ExerciseSet, setNum: Int?, avgCurlAcceleration: Double?, avgElbowFlareLR: Double?, avgElbowFlareUD: Double?, avgElbowSwing: Double?, avgWristStabilityLR: Double?, avgWristStabilityUD: Double?): Updates properties of an ExerciseSet entity.
  • func updateWorkoutSession(WorkoutSession, dateTime: Date?, overallCurlAcceleration: Double?, overallElbowFlareLR: Double?, overallElbowFlareUD: Double?, overallElbowSwing: Double?, overallWristStabilityLR: Double?, overallWristStabilityUD: Double?): Updates properties of a WorkoutSession entity.

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject

Class: WorkoutSession

class WorkoutSession


Instance Properties

  • var dateTime: Date?
  • var overallCurlAcceleration: Double
  • var overallElbowFlareLeftRight: Double
  • var overallElbowFlareUpDown: Double
  • var overallElbowSwing: Double
  • var overallWristStabilityLeftRight: Double
  • var overallWristStabilityUpDown: Double
  • var reps: Int64
  • var sets: NSSet?
  • var weight: Double
  • var workoutNum: Int64

Instance Methods

  • func addToSets(NSSet)
  • func addToSets(ExerciseSet)
  • func removeFromSets(NSSet)
  • func removeFromSets(ExerciseSet)

Type Methods

  • class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<WorkoutSession>

Default Implementations

Identifiable Implementations


Inherits From

  • CoreData.NSManagedObject

Inherited By

  • ExerciseSet

Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject
  • CoreData.NSFetchRequestResult
  • ObjectiveC.NSObjectProtocol
  • Swift.CVarArg
  • Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • Swift.CustomStringConvertible
  • Swift.Equatable
  • Swift.Hashable
  • Swift.Identifiable

Class: ExerciseSet

class ExerciseSet


Instance Properties

  • var avgCurlAcceleration: Double
  • var avgElbowFlareLeftRight: Double
  • var avgElbowFlareUpDown: Double
  • var avgElbowSwing: Double
  • var avgWristStabilityLeftRight: Double
  • var avgWristStabilityUpDown: Double
  • var setNum: Int64
  • var workoutSession: WorkoutSession?

Type Methods

  • class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<ExerciseSet>


Inherits From

  • WorkoutSession

Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject
  • CoreData.NSFetchRequestResult
  • ObjectiveC.NSObjectProtocol
  • Swift.CVarArg
  • Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • Swift.CustomStringConvertible
  • Swift.Equatable
  • Swift.Hashable
  • Swift.Identifiable