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Design API

Hardware Software

Class: MPU6050

Class for reading gyro rates and acceleration data from an MPU-6050 module via I2C.

  • read_accel_data() → tuple[float, float, float]: Read the accelerometer data, in a (x, y, z) tuple.
  • read_accel_range() → int: Reads the accelerometer range setting.
  • read_gyro_data() → tuple[float, float, float]: Read the gyroscope data, in a (x, y, z) tuple.
  • read_gyro_range() → int: Reads the gyroscope range setting.
  • read_temperature() → float: Reads the temperature, in Celsius, of the onboard temperature sensor.
  • sleep() → None: Places MPU-6050 in sleep mode (low power consumption).
  • wake() → None: Wake up the MPU-6050.
  • who_am_i() → int: Returns the address of the MPU-6050.
  • write_accel_range(range: int) → None: Sets the accelerometer range setting.
  • write_gyro_range(range: int) → None: Sets the gyroscope range setting.
  • write_lpf_range(range: int) → None: Sets low pass filter range.

Class: main

A class that is responsible for advertising data via Bluetooth

  • advertising_payload(limited_disc=False, br_edr=False, name=None, services=None, appearance=0): Generate a payload for advertising.
  • decode_field(payload, adv_type): Decode a field from an advertising payload.
  • decode_name(payload): Decode the local name from an advertising payload.
  • decode_services(payload): Decode a list of UUIDs from an advertising payload.
  • demo(): Run a demonstration.

Class: MPU Data


Class to get accelerometer and gyroscope data.

  • __init__(id: str): The ID of the MPU6050 sensor.
  • get_accel_data() → tuple: Get the accelerometer data.
  • get_gyro_data() → tuple: Get the gyroscope data.

Class: BLEcentral

BLEcentral is a class that manages a central role in a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connection. It conforms to NSObject, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate, and ObservableObject.



This class is responsible for scanning for, connecting to, and disconnecting from peripherals.

Note: This class specifically looks for peripherals named “MPU6050-1” and “MPU6050-2”.


init() Initializes the central manager and starts scanning for peripherals with the specified service UUIDs.

Instance Properties

  • MPU6050_1Accelerations: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_1Gyros: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_1_Accel: [Int]
  • MPU6050_1_All_Accelerations: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_1_All_Gyros: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_1_Gyro: [Int]
  • MPU6050_2Accelerations: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_2Gyros: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_2_Accel: [Int]
  • MPU6050_2_All_Accelerations: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_2_All_Gyros: [[Int]]
  • MPU6050_2_Gyro: [Int]
  • MPU_1_Connected: Bool: A boolean that indicates whether MPU6050-1 is connected.
  • MPU_2_Connected: Bool: A boolean that indicates whether MPU6050-2 is connected.
  • collectDataToggle: Bool: A boolean that toggles whether the app should collect data from the peripherals.
  • isConnected: Bool
  • listOfPeripherals: [Any]
  • peripheralData: [AnyHashable : Any]

Instance Methods

  • func centralManager(CBCentralManager, didConnect: CBPeripheral): Discovers services on the peripheral.
  • func centralManager(CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?): Scans for peripherals with the specified service UUIDs.
  • func centralManager(CBCentralManager, didDiscover: CBPeripheral, advertisementData: [String : Any], rssi: NSNumber): Connects to the peripheral with the specified service UUID.
  • func centralManager(CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect: CBPeripheral, error: Error?): Discovers the characteristics of the service on the peripheral.
  • func centralManagerDidUpdateState(CBCentralManager): Scans for devices with the AccelServiceUUID.
  • func peripheral(CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor: CBService, error: Error?): Discovers the characteristics of the service on the peripheral.
  • func peripheral(CBPeripheral, didDiscoverServices: Error?): Discovers the characteristics of the service on the peripheral.
  • func peripheral(CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?): Gets the updated data from the characteristic.


Class: FormCriteria


FormCriteria is a class that contains the criteria for determining the form of the user during a workout.


  • init(): Initializes a new instance of FormCriteria.

Instance Properties

  • var dumbbellDangerousCheck: [[Int]]
  • var elbowDangerousCheck: [[Int]]
  • var goodFormPhrases: [String]
  • var listOfDumbbellAverage: [Double]
  • var listOfElbowFlareForwardBackAverage: [Double]
  • var listOfElbowFlareUpDownAverage: [Double]
  • var listOfElbowSwingAverage: [Double]
  • var listOfWristLeftRightAverage: [Double]
  • var listOfWristUpDownAverage: [Double]
  • var workoutAnalysis: [String : Double]

Instance Methods

  • func UpdateWorkoutAnalysis(totalSets: Int, dumbbellArray: [[Int]], elbowArray: [[Int]]) -> [String : Double]: Updates the workout analysis based on the data collected during the workout.
  • func averageElbowFlareForwardBack(array: [[Int]]) -> Double: Calculates the average elbow flare of the user during a set.
  • func averageElbowFlareUpDown(array: [[Int]]) -> Double: Calculates the average elbow flare of the user during a set.
  • func averageElbowSwing(array: [[Int]], append: Bool) -> Double: Calculates the average elbow swing of the user during a set.
  • func averageUpDownAcceleration(array: [[Int]], append: Bool) -> Double: Calculates the average up and down acceleration of the dumbbell during a set.
  • func averageWristLeftRightRotation(array: [[Int]]) -> Double: Calculates the average left and right rotation of the wrist during a set.
  • func averageWristUpDownRotation(array: [[Int]]) -> Double: Calculates the average up and down rotation of the wrist during a set.
  • func dangerousForm(dumbbellData: [Int], elbowData: [Int]) -> Bool: Checks if the user is moving too fast and is in a dangerous position.
  • func getRandomGoodFormPhrase() -> String: Gets a random good form phrase.
  • func giveFeedback(dumbbellArray: [[Int]], elbowArray: [[Int]]) -> (String, String, String, String): Provides feedback to the user based on the data collected during the workout.
  • func overallDumbbellTwisting(totalSets: Int) -> (Double, Double): Calculates the overall average of the left and right and up and down rotation of the wrist for the entire workout.
  • func overallWorkoutElbowFlare(totalSets: Int) -> (Double, Double): Calculates the overall average of the elbow flare for the entire workout.
  • func overallWorkoutElbowSwing(totalSets: Int) -> Double: Calculates the overall average of the elbow swing for the entire workout.
  • func overallWorkoutUpDownAverage(totalSets: Int) -> Double: Calculates the overall average of the up and down acceleration of the dumbbell for the entire workout.
  • func resetListofData(): Clears the data for the next workout.

Class: WorkoutViewModel


View model to handle the workout data.


init(ble: BLEcentral, formCriteria: FormCriteria, coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Initialize the view model.

Instance Properties

  • WorkoutState: WorkoutStateEnum
  • alertMessage: String
  • ble: BLEcentral
  • coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • countdown: Int
  • countdownActive: Bool
  • countdownPlayer: AVAudioPlayer!
  • currentMotivationalPhrase: String
  • currentSets: Int
  • feedback: (String, String, String, String)
  • feedbackDataForSets: [(String, String, String, String)]
  • formCriteria: FormCriteria
  • hasWorkoutStarted: Bool
  • hours: Int
  • inputNode: AVAudioInputNode!
  • inputtedCountdown: String
  • inputtedReps: String
  • inputtedSets: String
  • inputtedWeights: String
  • isListening: Bool
  • isWorkingOut: Bool
  • isWorkoutPaused: Bool
  • minutes: Int
  • player: AVAudioPlayer!
  • progress: Double
  • progressInterval: Double
  • recordingFormat: AVAudioFormat!
  • seconds: Int
  • showGraphPopover: Bool
  • showingAlert: Bool
  • showingWorkoutSheet: Bool
  • storeModel: storeViewModel
  • timer: Timer?
  • timerIsActive: Bool
  • totalSets: Int
  • workoutAnalysis: [String : Double]
  • workoutAnalysisForSets: [[String : Double]]
  • workoutInProgress: Bool
  • workoutInProgressPublisher: AnyPublisher
  • var workoutNum: Int64
  • let workoutPageViewModel: WorkoutPageViewModel

Instance Methods

  • func checkDangerousFormWhileWorkingOut(): Function to check for dangerous form while working out.
  • func countdownSound(): Function to play the countdown sound when the workout is about to start.
  • func finalset(): Function to finish the workout.
  • func finishSet(): Function to finish the current set.
  • func finishWorkout(): Function to finish the workout.
  • func isInputZeroOrInvalid() -> Bool: Function to check if any input is zero or invalid.
  • func isValidInput(String) -> Bool: Function to check if the input is valid.
  • func nextset(): Function to start the next set.
  • func pauseTimer(): Function to pause the workout timer.
  • func playSound(): Function to play the alarm sound.
  • func resetTimer(): Function to reset the workout timer.
  • func resetWorkoutState(): Function to reset the workout state.
  • func restartTimer(): Function to restart the workout timer.
  • func resumeTimer(): Function to resume the workout timer.
  • func simpleCountdown(): Function to start the countdown clock for between sets.
  • func startCountdown(): Function to start the countdown clock.
  • func startListening(): Function to start listening for voice commands.
  • func startTimer(): Function to start the workout timer.
  • func startWorkout(): Function to start the workout.
  • func stopCountdownSound(): Function to stop the countdown sound.
  • func stopSound(): Function to stop the alarm sound.
  • func stopTimer(): Function to stop the workout timer.
  • func stringToInt(String) -> Int?: Function to convert a string to an integer.
  • func validateAndStartCountdown(sets: String, reps: String, weights: String): Function to validate the user input and start the countdown.


  • enum WorkoutStateEnum: An enumeration representing the state of the workout.

Class: allFeedbackViewModel


View model for the all feedback page.

Note: This view model is used to get the data for the all feedback page.


init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Initialize the view model.

Instance Properties

  • WorkoutSets: [[String : Any]]
  • coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • date: Date
  • workoutNum: Int64
  • workoutSessions: [[String : Any]]

Instance Methods

  • func updateData(date: Date): Update the data for the page.

Class: storeViewModel


ViewModel for the pet store and user transactions.



  • init()

Instance Properties

  • var backgroundItemDBManager: BackgroundItemDBManager
  • let categories: [String]
  • var clothingItemDBManager: ClothingItemDBManager
  • var foodItemDBManager: FoodItemDBManager
  • var inventory: InventoryModel?
  • var inventoryDBManager: InventoryDBManager
  • var items: [SellingItem] — Items available in store.
  • var petItemDBManager: PetItemDBManager
  • var selectedCategory: String
  • var showAlert: Bool
  • var sortByPrice: Bool
  • var userCur: Int
  • var userDBManager: UserDBManager

Instance Methods

  • func addFundtoUser(price: Int)
  • func purchaseItem(item: SellingItem) — Function to handle item purchase.
  • func sortItems(items: [SellingItem], sortByPrice: Bool) -> [SellingItem] — Display items based on selected sorting method.
  • func subtractFunds(price: Int) — Function to return amount of currency after item is bought.
  • func updateCurrency()

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject

Class: Challenge


Challenge class containing information regarding achievements.



  • init(title: String, description: String, image: Image, achievementIdentifier: String, currentProgress: Int, isCompleted: Bool)

Instance Properties

  • var achievementIdentifier: String
  • var currentProgress: Int
  • var description: String
  • var id: UUID
  • var image: Image
  • var isCompleted: Bool
  • var title: String

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject
  • Swift.Identifiable

Class: ChallengesViewModel


ViewModel for achievements.



  • init()

Instance Properties

  • var challenges: [Challenge]

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject

Class: GameCenterManager


GameCenterManager class to integrate Game Center into the application.



  • class GameCenterDelegate — GameCenterDelegate class for loading Game Center UI into game.


  • struct GameCenterConstants

Instance Properties

  • var isAuthenticated: Bool

Instance Methods

  • func authenticateLocalPlayer() — GameCenterManager class function to authenticate.
  • func checkAchievementCompletion(identifier: String) — GameCenterManager class function to check if an achievement is completed.
  • func fetchAllAchievementsProgress(completion: ([String : Double]?, Error?) -> Void) — GameCenterManager class function that fetches all achievements and their completion percentages.
  • func reportAchievement(challenge: Challenge) — GameCenterManager class function to report achievement.
  • func showGameCenterAchievements() — GameCenterManager class function to display Game Center.
  • func updateAchievement(identifier: String, progressToAdd: Double) — GameCenterManager class function to update achievement progress.

Type Properties

  • static let shared: GameCenterManager

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Inherits From

  • ObjectiveC.NSObject

Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject
  • ObjectiveC.NSObjectProtocol
  • Swift.CVarArg
  • Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • Swift.CustomStringConvertible
  • Swift.Equatable
  • Swift.Hashable

Class: GameCenterManager.GameCenterDelegate


GameCenterDelegate class for loading and exiting Game Center.


Instance Methods

  • func gameCenterViewControllerDidFinish(GKGameCenterViewController)


Inherits From

  • ObjectiveC.NSObject

Conforms To

  • GameKit.GKGameCenterControllerDelegate
  • ObjectiveC.NSObjectProtocol
  • Swift.CVarArg
  • Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • Swift.CustomStringConvertible
  • Swift.Equatable
  • Swift.Hashable

Class: MorePageViewModel


ViewModel for the profile page.



  • init()

Instance Properties

  • var achievements: [Achievement]
  • var balance: Int
  • var screenshot: UIImage?
  • var showingScreenshotSavedAlert: Bool
  • var showingShareSheet: Bool
  • var userDBManager: UserDBManager

Instance Methods

  • func addToBalance(amount: Int)
  • func claimAchievement(id: UUID)
  • func getBalance()
  • func image(UIImage, didFinishSavingWithError: Error?, contextInfo: UnsafeMutableRawPointer)
  • func takeScreenshot()

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Inherits From

  • ObjectiveC.NSObject

Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject
  • ObjectiveC.NSObjectProtocol
  • Swift.CVarArg
  • Swift.CustomDebugStringConvertible
  • Swift.CustomStringConvertible
  • Swift.Equatable
  • Swift.Hashable

Class: fitnessPlanViewModel


The fitnessPlanViewModel class contains variables for a user’s fitness goals.



  • init()

Instance Properties

  • var daysPerWeekGoal: Int
  • var fitnessPlan: FitnessPlanModel?
  • var fitnessPlanDBManager: FitnessPlanDBManager
  • var hasPlan: Bool
  • var notes: String
  • var repGoal: Int
  • var selectedDate: Date
  • var setGoal: Int
  • var weightGoal: Int

Instance Methods

  • func clearAllInputs() — viewModel function to reset all variables.
  • func updateFitnessPlan(daysPerWeekGoal: Int, weightGoal: Int, setGoal: Int, repGoal: Int, notes: String, selectedDate: Date) — viewModel function to update the fitness plan by saving the draft variables to the viewModel variables.

Default Implementations

ObservableObject Implementations


Conforms To

  • Combine.ObservableObject

Class: PetPageFunction


A class that manages the functionality of the pet page.



  • init():

Instance Properties

  • var alertMessage: String
  • var alertTitle: String
  • var currentLevel: Int
  • foodItemDBManager: FoodItemDBManager
  • foodItems: [FoodItemModel]
  • healthBar: Int
  • var inventroyDBManager: Inventory DBManager
  • var pet: PetModel?
  • var petDBManager: PetDBManager
  • var selectedFoodIndex: Int
  • var showAlert: Bool
  • var showCustomize: Bool
  • var showFoodSelection: Bool
  • var showShop: Bool
  • var userDBManager: UserDBManager
  • var userTotalXP: Int


  • func AddXP(value: Int): Adds XP to the user's total XP.
  • func handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int): Handles the use of food items.
  • func increaseHealth(by: Int): Increase the health of the pet by a specified amount.
  • showAlert(title: String, message: String): Shows an alert with the specified title and message.
  • func updateXP(): Updates the total XP of the user

Class: CustomizeViewModel




  • init():

Instance Properties

  • let accessories: [Accessory]
  • var backgroundColor: Color
  • let backgroundImages: [BackgroundImage]
  • var equippedAccessory: Accessory?
  • var equippedBackgroundImage: BackgroundImage?
  • var equippedPet: Pet_selection?
  • let pets: [Pet_selection]


Structure: AttachSensors


Instructions on how to attach the sensors on the dumbbell and the elbow sleeve.



Instance Properties

  • var body: some View

Structure: OverallWorkoutData


OverallWorkoutData is a view that displays the overall feedback for the workout.

Note: This view displays the overall data for the workout.


init(workoutAnalysisForSets: Binding<[[String : Double]]>, viewModel: WorkoutViewModel, totalSets: Int)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View: Represents the SwiftUI view of the structure.
  • var totalSets: Int: Represents the total number of sets in the workout.
  • var viewModel: WorkoutViewModel: Represents the view model associated with the workout.
  • var workoutAnalysisForSets: [[String : Double]]: Represents the analysis data for each set of the workout.

Structure: PostWorkoutData


PostWorkoutData is a view that displays the feedback for each set in the workout.

Note: This view displays both the data for the set and the overall data for the workout.


init(viewModel: WorkoutViewModel, setIndex: Int, feedback: (String, String, String, String), workoutAnalysis: [String : Double])

Initializes the PostWorkoutData view.

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • let feedback: (String, String, String, String): Represents the feedback data for the set.
  • let setIndex: Int: Represents the index of the set.
  • var viewModel: WorkoutViewModel: Represents the view model associated with the workout.
  • let workoutAnalysis: [String : Double]: Represents the overall workout analysis data.

Structure: RechargeSensors


Instructions on how to recharge the sensors.



Initializes the RechargeSensors view.

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View

Structure: WorkoutFeedback


View to show all data collected from the most recent workout.

Note: This view displays the feedback for each set in the workout and the overall data for the workout.


init(viewModel: WorkoutViewModel, feedbackDataForSets: Binding<[(String, String, String, String)]>, workoutAnalysisForSets: Binding<[[String : Double]]>, totalSets: Binding<Int>)

This initializer initializes the WorkoutFeedback view with the provided view model and feedback data for sets.

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View: Represents the SwiftUI view of the structure.
  • var feedbackDataForSets: [(String, String, String, String)]: Represents the feedback data for each set in the workout.
  • var totalSets: Int: Represents the total number of sets in the workout.
  • var viewModel: WorkoutViewModel: Represents the view model associated with the workout.
  • var workoutAnalysisForSets: [[String : Double]]: Represents the analysis data for each set of the workout.

Structure: allFeedback


View for the all feedback page.

Note: This view is used to display all the feedback for the user.


init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Initializes the allFeedback view with the provided CoreDataManager.

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View: Represents the SwiftUI view of the structure.
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager: Represents the CoreDataManager associated with the view.
  • var viewModel: allFeedbackViewModel: Represents the view model associated with the view.

Structure: WorkoutMainPage


Main structure to display the workout page with integrated UI components.


This structure is responsible for displaying the workout page, including the workout tab selection, workout details input form, and the workout feedback view.



  • struct CountdownView
  • struct LineGraph
  • struct WorkoutDetailsInputView: Define a new view for the workout details input form


init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Initialize the workout page with the BLE central manager and form criteria.

Instance Properties

  • var backgroundItemDBManager: BackgroundItemDBManager
  • var ble: BLEcentral
  • var body: some View
  • var clothingItemDBManager: ClothingItemDBManager
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • var formCriteria: FormCriteria
  • var petItemDBManager: PetItemDBManager
  • var storeModel: storeViewModel
  • var viewModel: WorkoutViewModel
  • var workoutPageViewModel: WorkoutPageViewModel


  • enum SetType

Structure: PetStore


Display view for the Pet Store depending on available items and prices.



  • init()
  • init(viewModel: storeViewModel)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var viewModel: storeViewModel

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To


Structure: ItemDetailView


ItemDetailView struct for previewing and purchasing an item.



  • init(item: SellingItem, viewModel: storeViewModel, userCur: Int)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var item: SellingItem
  • let userCur: Int
  • var viewModel: storeViewModel

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To

  • SwiftUI.View

Structure: SellingItem


SellingItem struct that contains essential item attributes.



  • init(id: Int, name: String, category: String, price: String, image: Image, description: String, isBought: Bool)

Instance Properties

  • var category: String
  • var description: String
  • var id: Int
  • var image: Image
  • var isBought: Bool
  • var name: String
  • var price: String


Conforms To

  • Swift.Identifiable
  • Swift.Sendable

Structure: ChallengesList


Struct containing all achievements in the application.



  • init(challenges: [Challenge], fetchGameCenterProgress: () -> Void)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var challenges: [Challenge]
  • var fetchGameCenterProgress: () -> Void

Instance Methods

  • func refreshList()

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To


Structure: ChallengesTab


Struct containing the sorting and fetching of Game Center achievements.



  • init()
  • init(challenges: [Challenge])

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var challenges: [Challenge]

Instance Methods

  • func fetchGameCenterProgress()

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To


Structure: Achievement


Struct containing claiming functionality for achievements.



  • init(id: UUID, title: String, description: String, img: String, reward: Int, isClaimed: Bool)

Instance Properties

  • var description: String
  • var id: UUID
  • var img: String
  • var isClaimed: Bool
  • var reward: Int
  • var title: String

Instance Methods

  • func claim()


Conforms To

  • Swift.Identifiable
  • Swift.Sendable

Structure: UserAchievement


UserAchievement struct for database information of achievements.



  • init(recordId: CKRecord.ID?, achievement: CKRecord.Reference, currentProgress: Int64, isCompleted: Int64)

Instance Properties

  • var achievement: CKRecord.Reference
  • var currentProgress: Int64
  • var isCompleted: Int64
  • var record: CKRecord — Returns the CloudKit record representation of the user achievement.
  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?


Conforms To

  • Swift.Sendable

Structure: SettingsPageView


SettingsPageView struct for displaying user settings.



  • init()
  • init(workoutNotificationsEnabled: Bool, notificationFrequency: String, email: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, userID: String, viewModel: fitnessPlanViewModel)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • let chestWidthsArray: [Int]
  • let daysPerWeek: [Int]
  • var email: String
  • var firstName: String
  • let forearmLengthsArray: [Int]
  • var formattedDate: String — struct function to print date with only month/date/year and prevent the time and time zone from displaying.
  • let frequencyOptions: [String]
  • let heightFeetArray: [Int]
  • let heightInchesArray: [Int]
  • var lastName: String
  • var notificationFrequency: String
  • let reps: [Int]
  • let sets: [Int]
  • let upperArmLengthsArray: [Int]
  • var userID: String
  • var viewModel: fitnessPlanViewModel
  • let weeks: [Int]
  • let weight: [Int]
  • let weightsArray: [Int]
  • var workoutNotificationsEnabled: Bool

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To

  • SwiftUI.View

Structure: NotificationManager


NotificationManager struct to handle user notifications.



  • init()

Type Properties

  • static var notificationFrequency: String

Type Methods

  • static func cancelNotification()
  • static func createNotificationContent() -> UNMutableNotificationContent
  • static func requestAuthorization()
  • static func scheduleWorkoutReminder()
  • static func sendTestNotification()
  • static func updateLastWorkoutTime()


Conforms To

  • Swift.Sendable

Structure: ShareSheetView


ShareSheetView struct for displaying Apple UI in sharing feature.



  • init(items: [Any])

Instance Properties

  • var items: [Any]

Instance Methods

  • func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIActivityViewController
  • func updateUIViewController(UIActivityViewController, context: Context)

Default Implementations

UIViewControllerRepresentable Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To

  • Swift.Sendable
  • SwiftUI.UIViewControllerRepresentable
  • SwiftUI.View

Structure: FitnessPlanPage


FitnessPlanPage struct that structures the view for a fitness planning page.



  • init()
  • init(viewModel: fitnessPlanViewModel)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • let characterLimit: Int
  • let daysPerWeek: [Int]
  • let reps: [Int]
  • let sets: [Int]
  • var viewModel: fitnessPlanViewModel
  • let weight: [Int]

Instance Methods

  • func clearTemp() — FitnessPlanPage struct function to reset temporary variables.

Default Implementations

View Implementations


Conforms To

  • SwiftUI.View

Structure: FitnessPlanModel


FitnessPlanModel struct for database related information.



  • init(recordId: CKRecord.ID?, daysPerWeekGoal: Int64, dumbbellWeightGoal: Int64, setGoal: Int64, repGoal: Int64, notes: String, selectedDate: Date)

Instance Properties

  • var daysPerWeekGoal: Int64
  • var dumbbellWeightGoal: Int64
  • var notes: String
  • var record: CKRecord
  • var recordId: CKRecord.ID?
  • var repGoal: Int64
  • var selectedDate: Date
  • var setGoal: Int64


Conforms To

  • Swift.Sendable

Structure: FoodItem


A stuct representing a food item.



  • init(id: UUID, name: String, quantity: Int, imageName: String)

Instance Properties

  • var id: UUID
  • var imageName: String
  • var name: Sting
  • var quantity: Int

Structure: Accessory




  • init(id: UUID, name: String, imageName: String)

Instance Properties

  • var id: UUID
  • var imageName: String
  • var name: String

Structure: BackgroundImage




  • init(id: UUID, name: String. imageName: String)

Instance Properties

  • var id: UUID
  • var imageName: String
  • var name: String

Structure: Pet_selection




  • init(id: UUID, name: String, imageName: String)

Instance Properties

  • var id: UUID
  • var imageName: String
  • var name: String

Structure: Customize_page


The view for customizing the pet's appearance.



  • init()

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var onBack: (() -> Void)?
  • var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>
  • var viewModel: CustomizeViewModel

Stucture: CustomProgressView


A custom progress view that displays the progress value and label.



  • init(value: Int, maxValue: Int, label: String, displayMode: CustomProgressView.DisplayMode, foregroundColor: Color, backgroundColor: Color)

Instance Properties

  • var backgroundColor: Color
  • var body: some View
  • var displayMode: DisplayMode
  • var foregroundColor: Color
  • var label: String
  • var maxValue: Int
  • var value: Int


  • enum DisplayMode: The display mode for the progress value and health bar.

Structure: FoodSelectionView


A view representing the food selection view.



  • init(presentationMode: Environment<Binding<PresentationMode>>, foodItems: Binding<[FoodItemModel]>, selectedFoodIndex: Binding<Int>)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var foodItems: [FoodItemModel]
  • var presentationMode: Binding<PresentationMode>
  • var selectionFoodIndex: Int

Structure: HamburgerMenu


A view representing a hamburger menu with options to navigate to different pages.



  • init(navigateToShop: () -> Void, navigateToCustomize: () -> Void)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var navigateToCustomize: () -> Void
  • var navigateToShop: () -> Void

Structure: Pet_Page


A view representing the pet page.



  • init()
  • init(viewModel: PetPageFunction)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var viewModel: PetPageFunction

Structure: LoginView


The view for the login screen of the SmartWeights app



  • int()
  • int(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager, colorScheme: Enviroment<ColorScheme>, email: String, firstName: String, lastName: String, userID: String, userDBManager: UserDBManager, petDBManager: PetDBManager, foodItemDBManager: FoodItemDBManager, petItemDBManager: PetItemDBManager)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var colorScheme: ColorScheme
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • var email: String
  • var firstName: String
  • var foodItemDBManager: FoodItemDBManager
  • var lastName: String
  • var petDBManager: PetDBManager
  • var petItemDBManager: PetItemDBManager
  • var userDBManager: UserDBManager
  • var userID: String

Structure: CarouselButton


Contains parameters for the additional page carousel buttons, which are used in the NavigationCarousel struct.


  • init(name: String, icon: String, link: AnyView)

Instance Properties

  • let icon: String
  • var id: String
  • let link: AnyView
  • let name: String

Structure: Homepage


The homepage of the SmartWeights app.


  • init(tabBar: TabBar, coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • var showTutorial: Bool
  • let tabBar: TabBar

Structure: NavigationCarousel


Creates the additional button carousel.


  • init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager, buttons: [CarouselButton], iconColor: Color, bgColor: Color, textColor: Color)

Instance Properties

  • let bgColor: Color
  • var body: some View
  • let buttons: [CarouselButton]
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager
  • let iconColor: Color
  • let textColor: Color

Structure: StartWorkoutButton


The start workout button, located on the home page.


  • init(tabBar: TabBar)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var tabBar: TabBar

Structure: TabBar


Struct TabBar implements the Tab enumeration and TabView to create a navigable tab bar.


  • init(coreDataManager: CoreDataManager)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var coreDataManager: CoreDataManager

Instance Methods

  • func changeTab(to: Tab)

Structure: TutorialPopup


Tutorial pop up for new users.


  • init(show: Binding<Bool>, showTutorial: Bool)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var show: Bool
  • var showTutorial: Bool

Structure: VideoCard


Video card used in the VideoCarousel struct.


  • init(videoId: String, title: String, description: String)

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var description: String
  • var id: String
  • var title: String
  • var videoId: String

Structure: VideoCarousel


Carousel of VideoCard objects


  • init(videoCards: [VideoCard])

Instance Properties

  • var body: some View
  • var videoCards: [VideoCard]

Structure: VideoView


Embedded YouTube videos via WebKit library and UIViewRepresentable protocol.


  • init(videoId: String)

Instance Properties

  • let videoId: String

Instance Methods

  • func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView
  • func updateUIView(WKWebView, context: Context)