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Unit tests

Swift unit tests are done with Swift's XCTest

Pico-W testing is done with pytest library

Front End

Pet Page


Health increases after eating food

  • Test user is feeding their pets food
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks on food button to feed pet
    • Expected Result
      • handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int) is called, health bar should increase

Food quantity decreases after eating food

  • Test user is feeding their pets food
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks on food button to feed pet
    • Expected Result
      • handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int) is called, food quantity should decrease

Health should not exceed after eating food

  • Test user is feeding their pet with the pet's health bar full
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks on food button to feed pet
    • Expected Result
      • handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int) is called, health bar bar should not exceed full

Alert users of insufficient amount of food

  • Test user is feeding their pets with insufficient amount of food
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks on food button to feed pet
    • Expected Result
      • handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int) is called, an alert pops up telling the user they have no more food

Alert users that health is at max

  • Test user is feeding their pets the health already full
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks on food button to feed pet
    • Expected Result
      • handleFoodUse(selectedFoodIndex: Int) is called, an alert pops up telling the user that the health bar is already full



Validates whether input values are zero or invalid

  • User inputs values for sets, reps, weights, and countdown
    • Input/User action
      • User enters input values
    • Expected Result
      • The function correctly identifies whether the input values are zero or invalid.

Validates the validity of input values

  • User inputs values for sets, reps, weights, and countdown
    • Input/User action
      • User enters input values
    • Expected Result
      • The function correctly identifies whether the input values are valid.

Validates the conversion of string to integer

  • User inputs a string value
    • Input/User action
      • User enters a string value
    • Expected Result
      • The function correctly converts the string to an integer if possible; otherwise, returns nil.

Validates the reset of workout state

  • User resets the workout state
    • Input/User action
      • User initiates a new workout
    • Expected Result
      • The workout state variables are reset to their initial values.

Validates the start of workout

  • User starts a workout session
    • Input/User action
      • User initiates the start of a workout session
    • Expected Result
      • The workout state is updated to indicate that the workout has started.

Validates the transition to the next set

  • User progresses to the next set during a workout session
    • Input/User action
      • User initiates the transition to the next set
    • Expected Result
      • The workout state and relevant variables are updated accordingly for the next set.

Validates the reset of timer

  • User resets the timer during a workout session
    • Input/User action
      • User initiates a new workout
    • Expected Result
      • The timer variables are reset, and the timer is deactivated.

Pet Store Page

  • Test sorting items by price
    • Input/User action
      • Call sortItems with sortByPrice: true
    • Expected Result
      • Items should be sorted by price in ascending order
  • Test sorting items by name
    • Input/User action
      • Call sortItems with sortByPrice: false
    • Expected Result
      • Items should be sorted by name in alphabetical order
  • Test subtracting funds
    • Input/User action
      • Subtract funds using subtractFunds(price: 100)
    • Expected Result
      • viewModel.userCur should decrease by 100
  • Test purchasing an item
    • Input/User action
      • Purchase an item using purchaseItem(item: item)
    • Expected Result
      • The item should be marked as bought
      • viewModel.userCur should decrease by the item's price
  • Test adding funds to user currency
    • Input/User action
      • Add funds using addFundtoUser(price: 100)
    • Expected Result
      • viewModel.userCur should increase by 100



The user gets one of three phrases when having good form

  • User finishes a workout and wants their feedback
    • Input/User action
      • User clicks 'finish set' or 'finish workout'
    • Expected Result
      • getRandomGoodFormPhrase() is called and the user sees one of the three phrases

updates the workout analysis data with provided current data

  • User completes a workout session and wants to see the results
    • Input/User action
      • User finishes a workout session
    • Expected Result
      • The workout analysis is updated with the provided data and contains the expected keys.

Calculate of average up-down acceleration

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of up-down acceleration average
    • Input/User action
      • User performs several sets of exercises
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated average up-down acceleration falls within the range of 0 to 1.

Calculates average wrist left-right rotation

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of left-right wrist rotation average
    • Input/User action
      • User performs several sets of exercises
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated average wrist left-right rotation falls within the range of 0 to 1.

calculates overall workout up-down average

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of overall workout up-down average
    • Input/User action
      • User completes a workout session
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated overall workout up-down average falls within the range of 0 to 1 and is approximately equal to the expected value.

calculates average elbow swing

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of elbow swing average
    • Input/User action
      • User performs several sets of exercises
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated average elbow swing falls within the range of 0 to 1.

calculates average elbow flare forward-backward

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of elbow flare forward-backward average
    • Input/User action
      • User performs several sets of exercises
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated average elbow flare forward-backward falls within the range of 0 to 1.

calculates overall workout elbow swing

  • User wants to ensure accurate calculation of overall workout elbow swing
    • Input/User action
      • User completes a workout session
    • Expected Result
      • The calculated overall workout elbow swing falls within the range of 0 to 1 and is approximately equal to the expected value.

Detects of dangerous form

  • User wants to ensure accurate detection of dangerous form based on provided data
    • Input/User action
      • User performs exercises with varying data
    • Expected Result
      • The function correctly identifies whether the provided data indicates dangerous form.

generation of feedback

  • User wants to ensure accurate generation of feedback based on provided data
    • Input/User action
      • User completes an exercise session
    • Expected Result
      • The feedback generated for acceleration and elbow swing is formatted correctly, and the custom text feedback for elbow is correct.

Database Integration

CloudKit DB Tests

CloudKitManager Tests

Unit Tests for the CloudKitManager class
  • testCreateUser()

    • Tests the creation of a new user in the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • userExists should be true after creating a user successfully.
  • testFetchUser()

    • Tests the fetching of user data from the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • The fetched user data (user) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testGetCurrency()

    • Tests the retrieval of the currency value associated with the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • The retrieved currency value (currency) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testUpdateCurrency()

    • Tests the updating of the currency value associated with the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error after updating the currency value.
  • testGetName()

    • Tests the retrieval of the full name of the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • The retrieved name (name) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testUpdateName()

    • Tests the updating of the first name and/or last name of the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error after updating the name.

BackgroundItemDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the BackgroundItemDBManager class
  • testFetchBackgroundItems()

    • Tests the fetching of background items from the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching background items.
      • Background items should not be nil.
  • testFetchSpecificBackgroundItem()

    • Tests the fetching of a specific background item from the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching the specific background item.
      • The fetched background item should not be nil.
      • The image name of the fetched background item should match the provided image name.
  • testCreateBackgroundItem()

    • Tests the creation of a new background item in the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while creating the background item.
  • testSetUnactiveAllBackgroundItems()

    • Tests the deactivation of all background items in the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while deactivating all background items.
  • testGetActiveBackground()

    • Tests the retrieval of the active background item.
    • Expected Result:
      • The active background item should be an empty string, indicating no active background.

UserDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the UserDBManager class
  • testCreateUser()

    • Tests the creation of a new user in the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • userExists should be true after creating a user successfully.
  • testFetchUser()

    • Tests the fetching of user data from the database.
    • Expected Result:
      • The fetched user data (user) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testGetCurrency()

    • Tests the retrieval of the currency value associated with the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • The retrieved currency value (currency) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testUpdateCurrency()

    • Tests the updating of the currency value associated with the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error after updating the currency value.
  • testGetName()

    • Tests the retrieval of the full name of the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • The retrieved name (name) should not be nil, and there should be no error.
  • testUpdateName()

    • Tests the updating of the first name and/or last name of the user.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error after updating the name.

FoodItemDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the FoodItemDBManager class
  • testFetchFoodItems()

    • Tests the fetching of food items.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching food items.
      • The fetched food items should not be nil.
      • The number of fetched food items should match the expected count.
  • testCreateFoodItem()

    • Tests the creation of a food item.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while creating the food item.
  • testUpdateQuantity()

    • Tests the update of a food item's quantity.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while updating the quantity.
      • The updated food item should be found in the food items list.
  • testFetchQuantity()

    • Tests the fetching of a food item's quantity.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching the quantity.
      • The fetched quantity should not be nil.
  • testUpdateQuantity_add()

    • Tests the addition of quantity to a food item.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while updating the quantity.
      • The updated food item should be found in the food items list.

PetItemDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the PetItemDBManager class
  • testFetchPetItems()

    • Tests the fetching of pet items.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching pet items.
      • The fetched pet items should not be nil.
  • testFetchSpecificPetItem()

    • Tests the fetching of a specific pet item.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching the specific pet item.
      • The fetched pet item should not be nil.
      • The fetched pet item should match the expected image name.
  • testCreatePetItem()

    • Tests the creation of a pet item.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while creating the pet item.
      • The created pet item should be found in the pet items list.
  • testSetActivePetItem()

    • Tests the setting of an active pet item.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while setting the active pet item.
      • The active pet item should match the expected image name.
  • testGetActivePet()

    • Tests the retrieval of the active pet.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while retrieving the active pet.
      • The retrieved active pet should match the expected image name.

PetDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the PetDBManager class
  • testCreatePet()

    • Tests the creation of a pet.
    • Expected Result:
      • The pet should exist after creation.
      • The initial existence status of the pet should not match the existence status after creation.
  • testFetchPet()

    • Tests the fetching of a pet.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while fetching the pet.
      • The fetched pet should not be nil.
  • testGetXP()

    • Tests the retrieval of XP.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while retrieving XP.
  • testGetLevel()

    • Tests the retrieval of the level.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while retrieving the level.
      • The retrieved level should not be nil.
  • testUpdateUserXP()

    • Tests the updating of user XP.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while updating user XP.
      • The total XP should match the new XP value.
  • testUpdateUserLevel()

    • Tests the updating of user level.
    • Expected Result:
      • There should be no error while updating user level.
      • The level should match the new level value.

FitnessPlanDBManager Tests

Unit Tests for the FitnessPlanDBManager class
  • testCreateFitnessPlan()
    • Tests the creation of a fitness plan.
    • Expected Result:
      • The fitness plan should not be nil after creation.
      • The days per week goal of the created fitness plan should match the provided value.
      • The dumbbell weight goal of the created fitness plan should match the provided value.
      • The set goal of the created fitness plan should match the provided value.
      • The rep goal of the created fitness plan should match the provided value.
      • The notes of the created fitness plan should match the provided value.

CoreData Local DB


Sets up an in-memory Core Data environment for each test

  • Ensures tests do not affect real user data by creating a mock environment
    • Input/Setup action
      • Core Data stack setup with in-memory store type
    • Expected Result
      • CoreDataManager instance is initialized without errors

Cleans up and deallocates the in-memory Core Data stack after each test

  • Ensures all data and instances are cleaned up properly
    • Input/Cleanup action
      • Removing persistent stores from the coordinator
    • Expected Result
      • Persistent stores are removed without errors, and CoreDataManager is deallocated

Tests the ability to create a WorkoutSession entity

  • Validating entity creation within the Core Data environment
    • Input/User action
      • Create a WorkoutSession with specified attributes
    • Expected Result
      • WorkoutSession entity is not nil and correctly initialized with provided values

Tests integration of creating and fetching WorkoutSession entities

  • Ensures data consistency within the created and fetched entities
    • Input/User action
      • Create a WorkoutSession and then fetch it
    • Expected Result
      • The fetched WorkoutSessions list should not be empty and contain the created session

Tests fetching WorkoutSession entities

  • Validates the fetch functionality of the Core Data manager
    • Input/User action
      • Create and then fetch WorkoutSession entities
    • Expected Result
      • The fetch returns a list containing the newly created sessions

Tests fetching WorkoutSession entities based on a specific date

  • Ensures that sessions on a given date are correctly retrieved
    • Input/User action
      • Create a WorkoutSession for today and fetch by today's date
    • Expected Result
      • The fetch returns a list containing only today's sessions

Tests retrieving the next workout number

  • Ensures correct incrementation of workout numbers
    • Input/User action
      • Create a WorkoutSession and then retrieve the next workout number
    • Expected Result
      • The next workout number should be greater than the number of the last session created

Tests fetching ExerciseSet entities associated with a WorkoutSession

  • Validates the fetch functionality for ExerciseSets tied to specific sessions
    • Input/User action
      • Create a WorkoutSession and an associated ExerciseSet, then fetch the sets
    • Expected Result
      • The fetched exercise sets list should contain the created set

Tests updating a WorkoutSession entity

  • Verifies that changes to an entity are persisted correctly
    • Input/User action
      • Update an existing WorkoutSession's attributes
    • Expected Result
      • The updated WorkoutSession should reflect the new attribute values

Tests updating an ExerciseSet entity

  • Ensures property changes are saved correctly within the entity
    • Input/User action
      • Update an existing ExerciseSet's attributes
    • Expected Result
      • The updated ExerciseSet should reflect the new attribute values

Tests fetching all ExerciseSet entities

  • Validates that multiple sets are returned when expected
    • Input/User action
      • Create multiple ExerciseSets and fetch all
    • Expected Result
      • The fetched exercise sets list should include all created sets

Tests fetching ExerciseSet entities by workout number

  • Ensures they are correctly retrieved based on the workout number
    • Input/User action
      • Create an ExerciseSet for a specific workout number and then fetch by that number
    • Expected Result
      • The fetched exercise sets list should contain the sets for the specific workout number