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Features and Requirements

Functional Requirements

  1. SmartWeights will give users feedback and information about their weightlifting form after each set in their workout.
  2. After each workout, the system generates personalized reports and analytics for users.
    • The virtual pet will give a synopsis.
    • The user will be able to revisit the reports at any given time post-workout.
  3. SmartWeights will require registration using an Apple Account.
  4. The user must be able to enter the amount of sets, reps, and the weight of their dumbbell before performing a workout.
  5. The user must be able to connect the sensors by pressing a button in the application.
  6. The user must be able to start workouts through voice commands.
  7. The home page will be displayed after user login, and a tutorial prompt will appear for newly registered users.
    • The tutorial will be a video demonstrated by SmartWeights' generic pet.
    • The user will be able to revisit the tutorial prompt.
  8. The user must be able to create a workout plan that can be tracked from a fitness plan page.
  9. During the process of the user workout, it will provide feedback after each set on the user's action such as correcting their form.
  10. The app will award the users with digital currency and experience points based on their workouts.
    • There will be a pet store tab dedicated to buying items for your virtual pet with digital currency.
  11. The pet will have a level-up system and a health system.
    • Users can use digital currency to buy food for their pet in the pet store tab to keep the pet healthy.
  12. There will be an achievement tab for users to look through their completed achievements as well as achievements they can strive for.
  13. Users can click on a share button that displays their virtual pet along with other accolades they would like to share with friends.
  14. The user must be able to customize their in-app settings, including setting preferences for notifications.

Nonfunctional Requirements

  1. Hardware should communicate with mobile devices through Bluetooth.
  2. To ensure ease of use and learning, the app needs a user-friendly interface that allows users to navigate through all features independently without requiring assistance.
  3. The app generates data in a timely fashion after each set is completed in a workout.
    • The data is easily understandable by the user. It is accompanied by visual graphs and text to help explain it.
  4. The app generates notifications to remind and encourage users to work out and use the app.
  5. The hardware components must be securely contained and easily attachable.
  6. The hardware components must have easy access to being charged.
  7. The database will properly and efficiently store and handle user data.
  8. The mobile app will start up promptly.
  9. The app will keep users engaged with activities and attractive designs.