Unit tests
Class Home Assistant:
Method +add_device()
def test_add_device(self):
device = Mock()
home_assistant = HomeAssistant()
device_name = "TV"
expected_devices_length = len(home_assistant.devices) + 1
home_assistant.add_device(device_name, device)
self.assertEqual(len(home_assistant.devices), expected_devices_length)
Verifies that the add_device method of the HomeAssistant class correctly adds a device to the device list.
Method +remove_device()
def test_remove_device(self):
home_assistant = HomeAssistant()
home_assistant.devices = {"TV": Mock(), "Alarm": Mock()}
device_name = "TV"
expected_devices_length = len(home_assistant.devices) - 1
self.assertEqual(len(home_assistant.devices), expected_devices_length)
Test verifies that the remove_device method of the HomeAssistant class correctly removes a device from the device list.
Method +update_device_status()
def test_update_device_status(self):
home_assistant = HomeAssistant()
home_assistant.devices = {"TV": Mock()}
device_name = "TV"
new_status = "ON"
home_assistant.update_device_status(device_name, new_status)
self.assertEqual(home_assistant.devices[device_name].status, new_status)
Test verifies that the update_device_status method of the HomeAssistant class correctly updates the status of a device.
Method +execute_automation()
def test_execute_automation(self):
home_assistant = HomeAssistant()
automation = Mock()
device_name = "TV"
expected_automation_executed = True
result = home_assistant.execute_automation(device_name, automation)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_automation_executed)
Test verifies that the execute_automation method of the HomeAssistant class correctly executes an automation for a given device.
Class User Interface:
Method +send_command()
def test_send_command(self):
home_assistant = Mock()
user_interface = UserInterface(home_assistant)
command = "Turn on TV"
expected_command_sent = True
result = user_interface.send_command(command)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_command_sent)
Test verifies that the send_command method of the UserInterface class correctly sends a command to the Home Assistant.
Method +display_device_state():
def test_display_device_state(self):
home_assistant = Mock()
user_interface = UserInterface(home_assistant)
home_assistant.devices = {"TV": Mock()}
device_name = "TV"
device_state = "ON"
expected_device_state_displayed = True
result = user_interface.display_device_state(device_name, device_state)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_device_state_displayed)
Test verifies that the display_device_state method of the UserInterface class correctly displays the state of a device.
Class Device
Method +update_status():
def test_update_status(self):
device = Device("123", "Light")
new_status = "ON"
expected_status_updated = True
result = device.update_status(new_status)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_status_updated)
self.assertEqual(device.status, new_status)
Test verifies that the update_status method of the Device class correctly updates the status of a device.
Method +execute_capability():
def test_execute_capability(self):
device = Device("456", "Thermostat")
capability = "SetTemperature"
value = 23
expected_capability_executed = True
result = device.execute_capability(capability, value)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_capability_executed)
Test verifies that the execute_capability method of the Device class correctly executes a capability on a device.
Class PythonScripts:
Method +load_model():
def test_load_model(self):
python_scripts = PythonScripts()
model_path = "model.tflite"
expected_model_loaded = True
result = python_scripts.load_model(model_path)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_model_loaded)
Test verifies that the load_model method of the PythonScripts class correctly loads a machine learning model from a file.
Method +capture_image():
def test_capture_image(self):
python_scripts = PythonScripts()
expected_image_captured = True
result = python_scripts.capture_image()
self.assertEqual(result, expected_image_captured)
Test verifies that the capture_image method of the PythonScripts class correctly captures an image.
Method +preprocess_image():
def test_preprocess_image(self):
python_scripts = PythonScripts()
image = Mock()
expected_image_preprocessed = True
result = python_scripts.preprocess_image(image)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_image_preprocessed)
Verifies that the preprocess_image method of the PythonScripts class correctly preprocesses an image.
Method +make_prediction():
def test_make_prediction(self):
python_scripts = PythonScripts()
image = Mock()
expected_prediction = "A"
prediction = python_scripts.make_prediction(image)
self.assertEqual(prediction, expected_prediction)
Verifies that the make_prediction method of the PythonScripts class correctly makes a prediction using a pre-trained model.
Class JavaScript Custom Cards
Method +create_card():
def test_create_card(self):
javascript_custom_cards = JavaScriptCustomCards()
card_id = "asl_card"
expected_card_created = True
result = javascript_custom_cards.create_card(card_id)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_card_created)
Verifies that the create_card method of the JavaScriptCustomCards class correctly creates a custom card.
Method +display_image():
def test_display_image(self):
javascript_custom_cards = JavaScriptCustomCards()
card_id = "asl_card"
image_url = "https://example.com/asl_image.jpg"
expected_image_displayed = True
result = javascript_custom_cards.display_image(card_id, image_url)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_image_displayed)
Verifies that the display_image method of the JavaScriptCustomCards class correctly displays an image on a custom card.
Method +update_display_state():
def test_update_display_state(self):
javascript_custom_cards = JavaScriptCustomCards()
card_id = "asl_card"
new_display_state = "show"
expected_display_state_updated = True
result = javascript_custom_cards.update_display_state(card_id, new_display_state)
self.assertEqual(result, expected_display_state_updated)
Verifies that the update_display_state method of the JavaScriptCustomCards class correctly updates the display state of a custom
Class Camera
Method +capture_image():
def test_capture_image(self):
camera = Camera()
python_scripts = Mock()
camera.python_scripts = python_scripts
expected_image_captured = True
result = camera.capture_image()
self.assertEqual(result, expected_image_captured)
Verifies that the capture_image method of the Camera class correctly captures an image and preprocesses it.
React.js Tests
Video Feed
test('Test for Video Feed', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Video Feed/i);
Verifies if Video Feed is rendered on User Interface
Home Assistant Icon
test('Test for Home Assistant Icon', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Home Assistant Icon/i);
Verifies if Home Assistant Icon is rendered on User Interface
TV button
test('Test for TV Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/TV Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if TV button is rendered on User Interface
Light button
test('Test for Light Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Light Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Light button is rendered on User Interface
Alarm button
test('Test for Alarm Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Alarm Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Alarm button is rendered on User Interface
Weather button
test('Test for Weather Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Weather Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Weather button is rendered on User Interface
Thermostat button
test('Test for Thermostat Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Thermostat Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Thermostat button is rendered on User Interface
Locks button
test('Test for Locks Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Locks Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Locks button is rendered on User Interface
Reminders button
test('Test for Reminders Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Reminders Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if Reminders button is rendered on User Interface
To-do list button
test('Test for To-do List Gesture Button', () => {
render(<Home />);
const linkElement = screen.getByText(/To-do List Gesture Button/i);
Verifies if To-do button is rendered on User Interface