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Sprint 2

What did everyone accomplish? Where is the project at? Read what everyone worked on here:

Niaz: Worked on documentation tasks. Right now the documentation includes "Skeleton Classes" that serve as placeholders. They reference the functions in our class diagram but the code isn't "Real" yet.

Mustafa M: Worked on developing unit testing documentation. Tested wireless code on Arch Linux ARM and wrote code for using different Wi-Fi libraries in Python.

Snarr: Wired up a switch to the breadboard got it working with Pygame Zero and GPIO Zero. Ran into issues integrating those two libraries. We need to investigate further how those integrate and if we should switch either library out. I also wrote a program that can read the values from the ADC converter but that has yet to be tested because we are still waiting on hardware orders. Wrote the acceptance testing cases to describe most of our main features. They are on a Google Sheets document in one of our lastest commits.

Mustafa W: Created the Entity-Relationship diagram for the Classroom database. Worked on the API documentation and generating Sphinx documentation for Python code. Sphinx still needs to be integrated into Docusaurus.

Neil: Created Blockly compiler script that can generate Python code from Blockly JSON. Created a metadata block that allows you to store game information from the Block Editor. Created an editor bypass that can open to a specific game from the GUI.

Jeffin: Wrote 3 skeleton classes for the API documentation. Wrote a few unit tests for our Classroom, ClassroomManager, and our Game class. Wrote 2 integration tests for use case 1 and 3. Implemented GUI using Tkinter, with scrollable game list featuring metadata and action buttons. Made an "open code editor" button that can open to the code editor URL for each game.

Aiden: Uploaded Pygame Zero example code to our GitHub. Outlined steps for implementing Pygame Zero with Blockly and GPIO Zero with Blockly. Couldn't finish API document work.